Wednesday, February 16, 2011


so erked trying to do work but don't know anything like this is B.S. then im near annoying people so dislike it right now

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Who looks up to me i would say my nieces,nephews, and my lil sisters. They look up to me on the strength that whenever they feel scared or need answer to something they always come to me. They look at me as their great influence and love. I love to hear them call my name just to tell me they love me or miss me. I enjoy helping them learn their letters and numbers. My little ones are so smart and creative that it makes me smile. My little sisters are so bad but good at the same time. I set good examples on them because when they get older they can use my answers and my thoughts on things they might need to use them on. If anything i make them feel like they have accomplish some goals because they take my advice and run with them.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Blog Of The Day

Every year about 1.2 million people dropout of high school. More than half are african american. On average recent dropouts will earn 200,000 less than high school graduates. Why do you think this is? How does this make you feel? What do you think can be done?

I think the reason why this is a concern because there are more dropouts then there are with students who graduate. The rate of dropouts are getting out of hand. This situation makes me feel some kind of way but at the same time it's my fault kind of. I'm not a dropout i got kicked out with out knowing. I'm not proud of being in a situation like this because I'm here and there is not a thing i can say or do. Dropouts still can get somewhere by being in a program that can help them get their ged/diploma. But all this dropouts should earn $200,000 less than high school grads should not be that way. You have some schools that give students answer to test and letting them do what they want on the other. Then you have students who gets a free education but don't know anything because they don't go to school. What can be done would be, to have teachers who know how to make teaching worth it, like be more understanding on what they are talking about have the teachers that are really trying to help you learn what you need to know because anybody can teach but when it comes to a education you need to use the tools you know that are in those books.