Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I am from a big room with a warm feeling place that is quiet and soft with peace.
I am from the inside of a healthy brownskin woman, but was made by a husky tall tough man
I am from the roots in the ground and spread to be a product people use
I'm from a loving caring family that makes me feel like a giggly baby
I am from the sun that shine and ends when dark
I am from a creation of nature and a piece of blessing
I'm from the hope and the trust
I'm from the sun in the rain that hits me into a rainbow and cloud of laughter
I'm from the angels high above but come down to the devil
I am from hip-hop and born from a boombox
I am from love, loyalty, honesty, and respect
I am from GOD

Monday, December 6, 2010


Know matter what it is or who it is i always put GOD first. To me everybody should B.I.G. because if it wasn't for him none of us would be here. Some people just don't understand that we are one of his most important creations

i love this work. this picutre has alot of creactivity going on in it. this picture has alot of texture alot of great and understandable colors, and this picture creates a story

Eminem - No Love ft. Lil Wayne

really feeling this video it's a example of what use to happen to my lil cousin and my friend who is now my bestfriend. They use to get picked on and pushed down but one day they got back up is now is not afraid to fight back now

Drake Ft. Young Jeezy - Unforgettable